
Emily McCarthy

MSc Chemistry | R&D |
PhD student at:
KU Leuven & Lund University |
Light microscopy |
Image processing and Data analysis

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Computer skills

Matlab Programming 80%
C and C++ 70%
Java 70%
GitHub 60% (in progress)
Html 80%
CSS 65%
JavaScript / JQuery70%
Bootstrap 50% (in Progress)

Research experience

  • Lund University - KULeuven

    Joint PhD student

    Sep 2016 - now

    • Single-molecule spectroscopy and imaging of polymer materials to understand structure-property relationship at the molecular scale

      + Materials: Conjugated Polymers, Dendronized polymers, two-dimensional polymer sheets.

    • Development of analysis tool for 3D imaging and 3D particle tracking.

  • KULeuven

    Graduate Researcher

    Jul 2016 - Sep 2016

    • Optimization of Super-resolution Imaging condition for optical DNA mapping

      + Parameters: buffer, frame rate, laser power.

    • Development of analysis tool for DNA mapping.



2011 - 2016

Université de Liège

Master in Chemistry

Specialization in Physical Chemistry

+Master thesis in Single-molecule detection group of Prof. Hofkens, KULeuven

+ One year Erasmus at Lund Univeristy, project of Research in Single-molecule spectroscopy group of Prof. Scheblykin


Athénées Royale Charles Rogier

High school Diploma

Specialization in Sciences